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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Konomark t-shirt giveaway!!

Konomark_tshirtIn what I believe to be another PrawfsBlawg first from yours truly, I am proud to announce a t-shirt giveaway!

I am sending a high-quality all-cotton t-shirt with the attractive konomark logo to the first 25 law professors who konomark any of their teaching materials or website content. (Rendering at left.) And yes, adjuncts are, of course, happily included.

The konomark symbol on your website, or on certain content within your website, invites visitors to ask you if they can use your copyrighted content without compensation. By konomarking PowerPoint presentations, mindmaps, handouts, or other materials, you’re saying, “Hey, I'm easygoing about sharing. So go ahead and ask me.”

Unlike Creative Commons licenses or the GNU Free Documentation License, konomark does not involve any surrender of intellectual-property rights. It’s just a way of signaling friendliness when it comes to your copyrighted stuff.

I announced the konomark project on PrawfsBlawg some weeks ago. You can read more about it on the project website.

This giveaway expires in two months, when I will probably take any leftovers to iSummit in Sapporo. E-mail me at [email protected] with questions or to claim your prize. Specify your desired size. Act early for the best selection. Allow several weeks for delivery. Void where prohibited.

Posted by Eric E. Johnson on May 29, 2008 at 12:36 PM in Information and Technology, Intellectual Property | Permalink


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I am not a law professor (yet?), but still really liked the idea of sharing my baby-scholarly material in an inviting friendly way.

Posted by: Ayelet | May 29, 2008 4:56:43 PM

Prof. Johnson,

I hope you remembered to file a patent application for your novel method of "signaling friendliness when it comes to your copyrighted stuff." If not, your one-year statutory bar is ticking away ... ;)

Posted by: PA | May 29, 2008 2:39:25 PM

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