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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Update on Tri 4 Gey

This past weekend, scores of students, staff and faculty at FSU participated in the Tri-4-Gey (aka Redhills Triathlon). Better_als_sucks_pic I'm very proud to say that my wife, Wendi Adelson, completed her first tri in very respectable time. I've attached a pic of a bear hug at the finish line.Bear_hug_at_the_finish_line The community exceeded its goal by raising  over $65,000 for research to stop ALS, the disease that has ungently afflicted our beloved colleague and teacher, Steve Gey. Gey_with_kristie_and_barb

Many Prawfs readers have generously given money to this wonderful cause and you can still make donations here. The real reason for this post is not just to celebrate the achievement of the Tri-4-Gey'ers (or their long suffering spouses), but to fete Steve Gey. I recently came across this video of Steve at a graduation speech he delivered some years ago. It's exquisite testimony to his keen intellect and sharp wit, which remain in fine form despite the ravages ALS is cruelly wreaking on him.

Posted by Administrators on April 9, 2008 at 10:23 AM in Life of Law Schools | Permalink


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And how ironically prescient (or presciently ironic), when he speaks of lawyers essential duty to go to the President and tell him "You can't do that; it's against the law."

Posted by: Howard Wasserman | Apr 9, 2008 11:00:24 AM

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