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Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Just back from NYC where I presented Punishing Family Status to a wonderful group of faculty at Hofstra. Many thanks to my gracious hosts there: Joanna Grossman, Liz Glazer, Grant Hayden, Nora Demleitner, Bennett Capers, and Katy Kuh.

So it's the first of the month and time to wish all a Happy April Fool's Day. No joke: later this week, we celebrate 3 years of Prawfsdom! (Prawfsiness? Prawfsorialism?) Amazing.

This month we welcome for the first time Garry Jenkins (OSU, law and leadership), Adam Levitin (Georgetown, bankruptcy), Mark McKenna (SLU/ND, IP), and Andrew Torrance (Kansas, IP and biodiversity). I'm also excited to announce our returning guests: Nadine Farid (Gonzaga, IP), Glenn Cohen (who just accepted a T-T position at Harvard in bioethics and health law--congrats Glenn!); Geoff Rapp (Toledo, torts, corps and sports); and Stuart Green (LSU to Rutgers; crim law theory).

A few of our guests from March will continue to contribute to blogging infamy, for which I am  grateful. The others will sign off shortly with a collective Karaoke video on YouTube. To all, thanks for your glorious contributions. Except you, Jason Solomon, whose lassitude will inspire public lashings when you really do your stint later in the spring :-)

Posted by Administrators on April 1, 2008 at 10:00 AM in Blogging | Permalink


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I had to Google lassitude to find out how I was being insulted, and got two definitions. The former, "weariness of body or mind from strain," more accurately captures my reason for not blogging than the latter, a state of "indolent indifference."

Posted by: Jason Solomon | Apr 1, 2008 3:07:20 PM

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