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Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Lovely to be back
Thanks to the Prawfsblawgers for having me back. The last time I was here, I blogged about the merits of fellowships, and how they prepare you for the job market, as well as some of my substantive interests.
This time, in a sort of "Through the Looking Glass" style, I'll blog about the job market having gone through it, cue music. While there are lots of good resources already in the blogosphere about the job market, I hope to add to them by discussing some of the questions I see addressed left often. I should add a few caveats: First, as my father likes to say, "good advice and bad advice cost the same price." Second, as my social scientist friends like to say, there is a "small N problem," in that I will be speaking from my experience and the experience of a small number of other fellows and friends on the market this year to whom I talked. (Worse yet, the impressions will be subjective and less than informed since I can only present things from my point of view, not the faculty who had to resist the urge to throw tomatos at me during job talks, for example). I hope some of this can be corrected by robust participation by other recent candidates and faculty in the comments section.
I'll also discuss some of my own work and some recent developments in health law and bioethics that might not have made it on to the radars of those who don't work in these areas.
Posted by Glenn Cohen on April 1, 2008 at 11:43 AM | Permalink
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