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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Advertisement: Legal Writing Competition Sponsored by the Pacific Legal Foundation
To augment the ongoing efforts of the Program for Judicial Awareness to encourage legal scholarship related to Pacific Legal Foundation’s litigation objectives, we are pleased to announce three new awards, made possible by a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation.
The John Templeton Foundation Essay on Freedom and Free Enterprise
The Program for Judicial Awareness invites students enrolled in law schools in the United States to submit original, publishable essays related to one or more of the Legal Objectives of Pacific Legal Foundation. The successful essay, suitable for publication in a law review or comparable academic journal, should draw together issues of public policy, matters of constitutional interpretation, and current legal precedent to postulate how statutes or policies should be applied in order to protect freedom and defend free enterprise. Submissions must be received by July 1, 2008, and the $5,000 award to the winning entry will be announced on August 29, 2008.
The John Templeton Foundation Academic Scholarship Award
This award encourages junior faculty members at American law schools to add to the body of legal-academic scholarship in support of freedom and free enterprise. Parallel to the student essay competition described above, entries should consist of original, publishable papers relating to one or more of Pacific Legal Foundation’s Legal Objectives. The entry deemed by the Program for Judicial Awareness to best meet these criteria will be awarded The John Templeton Foundation Academic Scholarship Award of $5,000. Submissions must be received by July 1, 2008, and the award will be announced on August 29, 2008.
The John Templeton Foundation Academic Scholarship Award
Tenured professors at law schools in the United States are invited to submit proposals for research leading to the publication of a law review article or comparable legal scholarship. The thesis of the proposed research should relate to one or more of Pacific Legal Foundation’s litigation Objectives and to the protection or advancement of freedom and free enterprise. The proposal that, in the judgment of the Program for Judicial Awareness, best meets these criteria will be awarded the John Templeton Foundation Legal Research Grant. Proposals must be received by July 1, 2008, to qualify for the 2008 grant. For details, contact Cindy Turpin.
Posted by Administrators on April 30, 2008 at 09:43 AM in Sponsored Announcements | Permalink
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