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Friday, February 29, 2008


It's that time of the month to say thanks to our past guests and welcome our new ones.

First, I'm very grateful to Adam Winkler, Liz Glazer, Zak Kramer, Jay Michaelson, Scott Dodson, Rob Kar, and Brooks Holland for all their contributions over the last few weeks. A couple of our guests were more silent than expected: sadly, Erik Knutsen has suffered a flood in his home in Kingston and thus has promised to deliver in the near future; same with Jim Von der Heydt, who has been busy with a new baby and a new book. Accordingly, we've extended them a reprieve and along with Howard and Eric Johnson, they'll be sticking around longer.

On tap for this month, we have some new voices to Prawfs: Rick Hills from NYU and Amy Barrett from Notre Dame.  Additionally we welcome back our friends Jason Solomon from Georgia, Tommy Crocker from USCarolina, Joe Slater from Toledo, James Grimmelmann from NYLS, Jessie Hill from Case Western, Doug Berman from Ohio State, and Adam Kolber from San Diego/Princeton.

Welcome one and all. Nunc est bibendum.

Posted by Administrators on February 29, 2008 at 06:04 PM in Blogging | Permalink


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Nunc est bibendum.

Because the only thing better than blogging is...drunk blogging!

Posted by: Sarah L. | Feb 29, 2008 6:20:10 PM

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