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Monday, January 14, 2008

Live Blogging from my Stomach -- Butterflies

One of the greatest things about reading blogs for me is the ability to access content exactly when it's relevant. Sometimes that means blogging about something that just happened, and sometimes that means blogging live from a conference.  I particularly like posts like this one, because the reader can feel as though she's sitting right next to Larry Solum at the Southern Political Science Association meeting.  I don't mean to suggest that this post is anything like Larry's very illuminating and substantive one; in fact, I'll continue what's become my tradition not to blog about substance at all (at least on this blog).  I just wanted to blog "live," as in from my office, sitting next to a tall stack of printed-out syllabi, a seating chart, a casebook, and my notes for today's first day of Property law.  I'm excited, and a little nervous.  And I've got butterflies in my stomach.  Just like last year, for those wondering.  Wish me luck!

Posted by Liz Glazer on January 14, 2008 at 09:52 AM | Permalink


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