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Sunday, January 13, 2008
Hello ...
I'm very excited to be invited to start the new year with a return visit to PrawfsBlawg. I teach criminal law, criminal procedure, constitutional law and ethics at Gonzaga Law School, although my online musings for 2008 may extend well beyond these topics -- not that they haven't already in the past. To begin, I thought I'd share a practical question that recently was presented to me by a friend on a subject very familiar to this blog: law professor career advice.
Now that I've been teaching for a couple of years, friends who are thinking about a similar career path have begun to ask advice questions of me. One friend recently asked a question I felt a bit under-qualified to answer with much certainty: He seeks to become a law professor after about a decade of practice. His post-JD accomplishments are top-rate: distinguished firm experience, assistant U.S. attorney, clerkships with big-name district and circuit court judges, and published articles in solid journals. He got his JD, however, from a law school outside of the first tier. He has an opportunity to pursue an LLM degree from a top-5 law school, but he has been given conflicting advice on whether this degree would enhance his marketability substantially at this point in his career. Thoughts?
Posted by Brooks Holland on January 13, 2008 at 05:47 PM in Teaching Law | Permalink
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