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Thursday, January 10, 2008
Do We Need a New National Security Court?
There's been increasing debate in recent months over proposals for a "national security court" as one way to "solve" the myriad problems posed by terrorism cases, both with respect to the criminal process and with respect to military detention decisions.
Whatever one may think of the merits of these proposals (something I hope to blog about in more detail later this month), I'm very pleased to announce that, on Friday, February 1, American University Washington College of Law (in conjunction with the Brookings Institution) will host a conference titled "Terrorists and Detainees: Do We Need a New National Security Court?" In addition to panels of experts moderated by my colleagues Dan Marcus and Ken Anderson (and me), the event will also include a lunchtime presentation by the Honorable Leonie Brinkema, U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Virginia, who should have lots of interesting things to say given her role in the Moussaoui and al-Timimi cases...
The flyer/conference announcement is available here.
Posted by Steve Vladeck on January 10, 2008 at 08:42 AM in Constitutional thoughts, Current Affairs, Steve Vladeck | Permalink
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Last Friday, the Washington College of Law at American University convened a day-long conference devoted to recent proposals -- including most p... [Read More]
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