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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

oPtion$ Book Club: Introductory Post


"America is all about commerce.  That's what America is good at.  Someone is going to figure out a way to create material things and to imbue them with a sense of religious significance.  I don't know how this will happen.  But it will happen, because it needs to happen."

- Krishna Neeb Baba in oPtion$

I'm here to welcome everyone to the PrawfsBlawg book club on "oPtion$," the novel/parody memoir of Apple CEO Steven Jobs, written by Fake Steve Jobs (a.k.a. Daniel Lyons).  We're very excited by the group of book club participants we'll have on hand:

I'll also be jumping in with a few posts of my own.  We encourage everyone -- club participants, author, readers -- to join in the comments. 

You can call up all of the posts in the book club by clicking on the "oPtions Book Club" category.  If you'd like some further reading material to get you in the proper spirit, here are some links:

Posted by Matt Bodie on December 4, 2007 at 10:45 AM in Books, Corporate, oPtion$ Book Club | Permalink


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» oPtion$ from Ideoblog
Over at Prawfs they're discussing oPtion$. I'm definitely going to catch up on this as soon as I get time (and read the book!). [Read More]

Tracked on Dec 5, 2007 4:22:07 PM


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