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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Prawfsfest! comes to the City of Angels
Just another heads-up about something I alluded to last week. I'm very excited to announce that the second Prawfsfest! is occurring next week (Dec 5-7th) in Los Angeles, where Loyola Law School is generously hosting us. Prawfsfest! is a gathering of 10-12 permaprawfs and guest bloggers that takes places over 2 days or so. The point of the gathering is to be an incubator for half-baked scholarship mostly in the fields of public law and legal theory, broadly defined. Participants this year include Steve Vladeck (AU), Orly Lobel (USD), Tommy Crocker (USCarolina), Rob Kar (Loyola), Carissa Hessick (ASU), Jason Solomon (UGA), Sasha Natapoff (Loyola), Ekow Yankah (Illy/Cardozo), Dave Fagundes (Southwestern), Gowri Ramachandran (Southwestern), Zak Kramer (UALR), Michael Waterstone (Loyola) and myself. Special thanks to the crew at LLS who have helped us pull this off: Bill Araiza, the Associate Dean at LLS, and Mark Weiner and Vlasta Lebo.
The actual schedule contemplates having presenters (there will be 10) talk for about 10 minutes about approximately 20 pages of manuscript which has been circulated and read before the Prawfsfest! by all those in the room. The presenter then fields questions from the rest of the crowd for the remaining 50 minutes in the hour. The presentation sessions are largely restricted to participants but we open up most of the meals and happy hours so we can break bread with the faculty hosting us and others who choose to join us. If you're a prawf in the LA area and would like to join us for social events next Wednesday or Thursday evenings, please email me.
The hope and plan is to do this kind of thing for our future and past alums either every semester or at least once a year, usually in a fun city and good climate. If you think your school might be interested in hosting this event in the future, please email me. And if you've been blurking on the blawg for a while, think of the Prawfsfest! as an additional incentive for you to come join our conversation.
Posted by Administrators on November 27, 2007 at 11:29 AM in Life of Law Schools | Permalink
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I figured we might have a musical ready in case Broadway stays dark for a while longer into the AALS conference.
Posted by: Dan Markel | Nov 27, 2007 8:10:16 PM
The use of the exclamation point in "Prawfsfest!" is a brilliant touch. Great use of punctuation for ironic ends, Dan.
Posted by: Dave | Nov 27, 2007 4:58:22 PM
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