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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Book Club on "oPtion$" by Fake Steve Jobs
Next week PrawfsBlawg will be hosting a book club on the novel/parody "oPtion$" written by Fake Steve Jobs (a.k.a. Daniel Lyons). The book received a nice review over the weekend by the NYT Book Review, which said it was "peppered with deft comic touches."
Rather than simply discussing its merits as fiction, the book club will be taking a look at "oPtion$" as a parody of the corporate world -- in particular, one of that world's most fascinating denizens. The picture that "oPtion$" paints of Steve Jobs is of course a caricature. But parody resonates only if it builds off of reality (or our perception of reality). And the picture created by Lyons has that resonance. We'll be talking about the big ideas behind the book, as well as what corporate lawyers, law profs, law students, and policy makers can take from it.
We're very excited to announce a terrific line-up of commentators:
- Michael Dorff, Southwestern Law School
- Darian Ibrahim, University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law
- Renee Jones, Boston College Law School and Corporate Law and Democracy
- David Zaring, Wharton School of Business, Vanderbilt University Law School (visiting), and the Conglomerate
In addition, we are fortunate to have Daniel Lyons joining us. Dan is of course Fake Steve himself, but when not masquerading as the benevolent one, he's a technology writer at Forbes Magazine. We're very much looking forward to exploring some of the larger issues behind the book with Dan and our prof commentators.
We plan on starting the book club next Tuesday, December 4. We hope you'll drop by then. In the meantime, if you are unfamiliar with the terms "namaste" or "freetards," you can catch up with the "Secret Diary of Steve Jobs" here.
Posted by Matt Bodie on November 28, 2007 at 11:42 AM in Books, Corporate, oPtion$ Book Club | Permalink
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