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Friday, October 26, 2007
Law Review Article Roundup: Fall 2007
Here is the first round of law review articles submitted by our readers for the fall 2007 cycle. The listings are below. Each listing has the author(s), title, journal, volume and date (if available), as well as a link to a draft of the article (if available). And as per usual practice, I've put the articles in reverse alphabetical order. At the end, we have a report from the Georgetown Law Journal on their slate of articles chosen this fall.
The fall articles round-up was announced here. Please let us know if you have a law review article that was accepted in the fall cycle. Send the email to this address. We'll be updating this list every few weeks through the end of the year. Law reviews are also welcome to report their fall acceptances.
UPDATE 10/26: New articles at the top.
Law Review Articles Accepted in Fall 2007
Helen Norton, The Measure of Government Speech: Identifying Expression’s Source, 88 Boston University Law Review (forthcoming 2008).
Sandeep Gopalan, Alternative Sanctions in International Law: The Case of Abu Ghraib, __ Mich. St. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming, January 2008).
Sandeep Gopalan, Shame Sanctions and CEO Pay, 32 Delaware J. Corp. L. __ (forthcoming).
Sandeep Gopalan, Changing Social Norms on CEO Compensation: The Role of Norms Entrepreneurs, __ Rutgers L. J. __ (forthcoming).
Sandeep Gopalan, Say on Pay, __ Pepperdine L. Rev. __ (forthcoming).
Sandeep Gopalan, A Demandeur-Centric Approach to Regime Design in Transnational Commercial Law, __ Geo. J. Int'l L. __ (forthcoming).
Jared A. Goldstein, Habeas Without Rights, Wisconsin L. Rev.
Christopher M. Bruner, The Enduring Ambivalence of Corporate Law, 59 Alabama Law Review (forthcoming 2008).
Andrew Adler, An Unintended and Absurd Expansion: The Application of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act to Foreign Lands, New Mexico Law Review, Volume 38, Issue 1, Winter 2008.
Norman R. Williams, "Taking Care of Ourselves: State Citizenship, the Market, and the State," 69 Ohio St. L.J. __ (forthcoming 2008).
Hanah Volokh, The Two Appointments Clauses: Statutory Qualifications for Federal Officers, University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law, forthcoming Volume 10, May 2008.
Alexander Volokh, Choosing Interpretive Methods: A Positive Theory of Judges and Everyone Else, 83 NYU L. Rev. (forthcoming 2008).
Ruth C. Stern & J. Herbie DiFonzo, Terminal Ambiguity: Law, Ethics and Policy in the Assisted Dying Debate, Boston University Public Interest Law Journal, Fall 2007.
Christina M. Sautter, Shopping During Extended Store Hours: From No Shops to Go-Shops - the Development, Effectiveness, and Implications of Go-Shop Provisions in Change of Control Transactions, 73 Brooklyn Law Review __ (2008).
Jeffrey A. Parness and Therese Clarke Arado, Safe Haven, Adoption and Birth Record Laws: Where Are the Daddies?, 36 Capital Law Review, Issue 2 (2008).
Rafael I. Pardo, Illness and Inability to Repay: The Role of Debtor Health in the Discharge of Educational Debt, 35 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2008).
Ashira Ostrow, Reviving the Facial/As-Applied Dichotomy in Land Use Law: Lessons from RLUIPA, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy (forthcoming Volume 31, January 2008).
Scott A. Moss & Douglas M. Raines, The Intriguing Federalist Future of Reproductive Rights, 88 Boston U. L. Rev. (Feb. 2008).
Scott A. Moss, Fighting Discrimination While Fighting Litigation: A Tale of Two Supreme Courts, 76 Fordham L. Rev. (Nov. 2007).
Meredith R. Miller, Contracting Out of Process, Contracting Out of Corporate Accountability: An Argument Against Enforcement of Pre-Dispute Limits on Process, Tennessee Law Review, Spring 2007.
Salil Mehra, The iPod Tax: Why the Digital Copyright System of American Law Professors' Dreams Failed in Japan,79 Colorado Law Review (2008).
Adam J. Levitin, Priceless? The Social Costs of Credit Card Merchant Restraints, 45 Harv. J. on Legis. ___ (2008).
Adam J. Levitin, The Costs of Credit Cards, 55 UCLA L. Rev. ___ (2008).
Nancy Levit, Mega-Cases, Diversity, and the Elusive Goal of Workplace Reform, 49 Boston College Law Review ___ (forthcoming 2008).
David A. Hoffman, Alan Izenman and Jeffrey Lidicker, "Docketology, District Courts, and Doctrine," 85 Wash. U. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2008).
Jim Hawkins, Renting the Good Life, William & Mary Law Review, Vol. 49, forthcoming 2008.
John Greenman, On Communication, Michigan Law Review, May 2008.
Elizabeth M. Glazer, When Obscenity Discriminates, 102 Northwestern University Law Review (forthcoming 2008).
Trey Drury, What’s the Cost of a Free Pass? A Call for the Re-Assessment of Statutes that Allow for the Elimination of Personal Liability for Directors, Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law, Vol.9, Fall 2007.
Jason J. Czarnezki, An Empirical Investigation of Judicial Decisionmaking, Statutory Interpretation & the Chevron Doctrine in Environmental Law, 79 University of Colorado Law Review ___ (forthcoming 2008).
I. Glenn Cohen, The Right Not to Be a Genetic Parent, 81 S. Cal. L. Rev. _ (Fall, 2008).
Danielle Keats Citron, "Technological Due Process," 85 Washington University Law Review (forthcoming 2008). Josh Bowers, Contraindicated Drug Courts, 55 UCLA L. Rev. (forthcoming 2008).
Oren Bracha and Frank Pasquale, Federal Search Commission: Fairness, Access, and Accountability in the Law of Search, 93 Cornell L. Rev. (forthcoming 2008).
Matthew T. Bodie, Workers, Information, and Corporate Combinations: The Case for Non-Binding Employee Referenda in Transformative Transactions, 85 Wash. U. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2008).
Joseph Blocher, Institutions in the Marketplace of Ideas, Duke Law Journal, Vol. 57, 2008.
Joseph Blocher, Amending the Exceptions Clause, Minnesota Law Review, Vol. 92, 2008.
Shyamkrishna Balganesh, Demystifying the Right to Exclude: Of Property, Inviolability, and the Right to Exclude, 31 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y (forthcoming 2008).
In addition, we have the following report from the Georgetown Law Journal for Volume 96, 2008. These articles were chosen for publication during the fall season:
Richard Lazarus, Advocacy Matters Before and Within the Supreme Court
Marcel Kahan & Edward Rock, The Hanging Chads of Corporate Voting
Yasmin Dawood, The Antidomination Model of Democracy
Sharona Hoffman, Responders' Responsibility: Liability and Immunity in Public Health Emergencies
Saikrishna Prakash, The Executive's Duty to Disregard Unconstitutional Laws
William Baude, The Judgment Power: Jurisdiction, Finality, and Executive Review
Sydney Foster, Should Courts Give Statutory Interpretation Methodology Stare Decisis Effect?
Amnon Lehavi, The Property Puzzle
Cass Sunstein & Eric Posner, Climate Change Justice
Posted by Matt Bodie on October 26, 2007 at 12:31 AM in Article Spotlight | Permalink
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» Peer review article round-up atPrawfsBlawg from Voir Dire
Check out the first round of the PrawfsBlawg peer review article round-up. I think that you can still submit your recently accepted law related work. Theyve also recently posted the first round of their law review round-up.
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