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Saturday, September 08, 2007
Gay Marriage in California: Deja vu all over again
It appears the California legislature has again given the Governor a same-sex marriage bill to veto. Everyone assumes the Governor will do what he did in 2o05 when presented with the same issue: veto on the basis of 2000's Prop 22. Vik Amar and I think that argument doesn't work, for reasons we explained in 2005. We got some calls from Sacramento then; let's hope the Governor understands his options better this time around.
Posted by Ethan Leib on September 8, 2007 at 12:49 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink
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Well, the governor here in Rhode Island just made his stance perfectly clear. He is in favor of gay divorce but against gay marriage. I kid you not. I am thinking about moving to Massachusetts.
Posted by: RCinProv | Sep 9, 2007 3:47:13 PM
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