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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Woo Woo! (or, I'm finally blogging!)

I'm almost as excited that Dan invited me to blog as I am to be drinking Woo Woo's poolside here.  I've been blurking/blawking here for some time now, and it feels so great to (finally) be on the other side.

I've been an Associate Professor at Hofstra Law School for a year, and I teach courses in Property, First Amendment, Jurisprudence, and Transactional Lawyering (an applied contracts class which focuses on business drafting and negotiations). I am currently blogging from the SEALS conference, where I'll be until Saturday.

During my time as a guest, I'll blog some about content (e.g., my scholarship; what's in your Firefox start page folder), some about form (e.g., the elements of a good question posed to a presenter; how to flirt with academics; how much background should one include in an article before reaching the point of redundancy; how to frame a problem), and some about a mix of the two (e.g., what to, and what not to, wear to class, or eat before teaching class; finding co-authors; how prawfs organize their time, space, and files; where, and when, we write; why do all prawfs end their sentences with ", right?").

I'm really excited to be here (supra), and look forward to connecting with the community of readers from the other side of the comments page.

Posted by Liz Glazer on August 2, 2007 at 09:47 AM in Blogging | Permalink


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Somehow I knew just from the first sentence of your first blog that the new guestblogger was you. Woo Woo!

Posted by: Alafair Burke | Aug 3, 2007 12:26:51 PM

I'm glad you look forward to my posts. To be sure, Westerman's account of flirting, which I referenced in the hyperlink, is more about being charming and adorable than "hunting," which is a term Westerman uses to mean what we, colloquially, call "flirting." I do plan on writing about the former, and don't plan on writing about the latter.

Always nice to connect with Hofstra grads; thanks for getting in touch!


Posted by: Liz Glazer | Aug 2, 2007 10:51:45 PM

As a fellow blogger, a graduate of Hofstra Law School and an adjunct professor down the street at St. John's Law School, I look forward to reading your postings on "how to flirt with academics."
Best of luck.
Mitchell Rubinstein
Adjunct Law Professor Blog

Posted by: Mitchell Rubinstein | Aug 2, 2007 6:36:12 PM

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