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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Unconscious Discrimination Twenty Years Later
The Connecticut Law Review is hosting a symposium on November 2, 2007 celebrating, revisiting, critiquing and moving forward the ideas presented in Charles Lawrence's influential article The Id, The Ego, and Equal Protection: Reckoning with Unconscious Racism. Speakers include: Charles Lawrence, Mari Matsuda, Gowri Ramachandran, The Hon. Janet Bond-Arterton, Catherine Smith, Amy Wax, Samuel Bagenstos, Devon Carbado, Valerie Purdy-Vaughns, James Forman, Elizabeth Emens, John Tehranian, Eva Jefferson-Paterson, and Angela Onwauchi-Willig.
It promises to be a great symposium with some real leading lights and young soon to be leading-light scholars. Last year Orly Lobel attended the law review's symposium on Wal-Mart and was favorably impressed (I wanted to link to her blog on the subject but can't find it). Anyone interested in this symposium should contact the Connecticut Law Review.
Posted by Alexandra Lahav on August 28, 2007 at 03:57 PM | Permalink
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» Unconscious Discrimination Symposium at Connecticut Law Review from Workplace Prof Blog
Alexandra Lahav at PrawfsBlawg has the details:The Connecticut Law Review is hosting a symposium on November 2, 2007 celebrating, revisiting, critiquing and moving forward the ideas presented in Charles Lawrence's influential article The Id, The Ego, a... [Read More]
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