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Friday, August 31, 2007
Nice To Be Here...
Let me echo Alex and Sam - it's nice to be on board. Thanks to Dan for the invite (and to Paul Horwitz for the introduction). I'm looking forward to my month here at Prawfsblawg as a newbie.
I write often on transnational law issues -- the intersection of domestic and international law -- while I teach courses in Civ. Proc., Fed. Courts, Int'l Law, and Civil Pretrial Practice. I also run an international and comparative law program in Vancouver, Canada. So I had planned to spend my time here exploring some cross-border challenges (perhaps with a slight emphasis on U.S.-Canada), some jurisdictional topics, as well as some professionalism/skills issues. But I may have to rethink that game plan, which I'm starting to think sounds somewhat quaint, if not pathetic. With posts on professional wrestling (Alex), muppet goodbye songs (Zachary), magnetic resonance imaging (Adam), and CV stalking (Liz), not to mention mystical cats (Paul) -- I realize I'm going to have to up my game significantly.
I guess I have the weekend to figure it out...
Posted by Austen Parrish on August 31, 2007 at 12:08 PM | Permalink
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