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Friday, June 01, 2007


Many thanks to Dan, Ethan and the rest of the Prawfsblawg gang for inviting me to return for another visit. I teach criminal law, criminal procedure and constitutional law at Gonzaga Law School in Mighty Spokane, Washington ... where I'll be spending my summer this year since I'm trying something new this year — summer school!

In particular, I'm teaching in our school's early start summer program for a group of our incoming 2007 1L students. Some of these students are asked to participate in the program as a condition to admission, but some simply want to get an early start on their legal studies. Now that I've finished grading my Spring exams, I've begun to think about how I should approach an early start course, where I'll teach criminal law in about five weeks, four days a week, two hours a day, to a group of about 40 students who will undertake their first law school class outside of the usual Fall crash-course environment of 1L studies. The early start program does not include an LRW course. Students are offered a basic legal analysis course taught by another faculty member, but only the students asked to participate in the early start program are required to take this course.

I wondered whether any readers who have taught or taken an early start 1L course have suggestions on whether and how I might want to adjust my teaching goals or strategies for this course?

Posted by Brooks Holland on June 1, 2007 at 12:53 PM in Blogging, Teaching Law | Permalink


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