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Friday, June 01, 2007
Educing information
The Science Intelligence Board has just released a 372 page report, rather benignly titled Educing Information (available at http://www.fas.org/irp/dni/educing.pdf). As acknowledged in the foreward, this report seeks to move the ball forward in the ongoing interrogation/ intelligence gathering debate. In some sense, it responds to the 24 phenomena, in which the public's view about coercive interrogation is informed by the use of Jack Bauer's harsh (and often effective) strategies in response to ticking time bomb scenarios. The report "does not specifically address ethical, moral, religious, or legal questions, but instead focuses on 'what works.'"
Interestingly, the report suggests that the answer might be "not much," but stresses that more research needs to be done. I'm still working my way through it, but it seems clear that the authors contend that the current debate suffers from a real dearth of quality evidence on both sides- those who oppose coercive interrogation might be pleased to learn that little evidence shows that formal training in interrogation techniques will elicit the desired information, while coercive interrogation supporters might be bolstered by the lack of specific evidence that pain, coercion, and threats are counterproductive to eliciting desired information.
Posted by Lesley Wexler on June 1, 2007 at 11:34 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink
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Actually, the Intelligence Science Board does not release its publications, but a copy was obtained by the Federation of American Scientists' Secrecy News in January. The Washington Post and Nature followed up. More recently, the Defense Intelligence Agency posted a copy on its web site.
Posted by: Lothar | Jun 3, 2007 3:33:23 PM
I agree that the Report is important. But it was released more than five months ago. See the end of this post: http://balkin.blogspot.com/2007/05/cool-carefully-considered-methodical.html
Posted by: Marty Lederman | Jun 1, 2007 12:47:18 PM
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