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Thursday, May 10, 2007
Choosing a Casebook: Business Associations
Please use the comments section to share thoughts on choosing a casebook in Business Associations. (See here and here for a discussion of the Course Preparation Project.)
Posted by Matt Bodie on May 10, 2007 at 04:34 PM in Teaching Law | Permalink
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It's a good sign that one of the authors of Klein-Bainbrdgei-Ramseyer reads blogs!
Posted by: Eric B Rasmusen | Feb 25, 2021 2:43:20 PM
For readers interested in Canadian Corporate Law, I heartily recommend the book I know best (I am one of the editors): Welling, Smith and Rotman, Canadian Corporate Law: Cases, Notes & Materials, 3rd ed. (LexisNexis, 2006). Details may be found at: http://www.lexisnexis.ca/bookstore/bookinfo.php?pid=66
Posted by: Len Rotman | May 14, 2007 2:24:53 PM
After a good deal of agonizing, I just opted for the Smith & Williams book. Glad to hear that the teacher's manual will be available, and to know about the website.
Posted by: eric | May 12, 2007 9:14:47 PM
Klein, Bainbridge & Ramseyer is excellent. Editing is excellent; cases are fun; and the teacher's manual is quite helpful, particularly for a new prof. I also used Smith & Williams, and liked it as well. I particularly liked the inclusion of more detailed hypotheticals and problems.
Posted by: Robert Rhee | May 12, 2007 1:04:05 AM
I used KRB twice and enjoyed both experiences. I plan to use KRB a third time this Spring when I will be visiting at Widener University Law School (Wilmington).
I share some of Ben Barros' concerns. To deal with the lack of explanatory text in the casebook itself, this past semester I assigned both (1) Bainbridge's AGENCY, PARTNERSHIP, AND LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES (Foundation Concepts and Insights Series 2004) and (2) Gevurtz's CORPORATE LAW ANTHOLOGY (Anderson 1997). With two exceptions, these supplementary texts worked very well.
The two exceptions: First, the Bainbridge paperback gives out the answers to many of the casebook problems, effectively reprinting portions of the teacher's manual in the student hornbook. Second, I plan to replace the Gevurtz anthology with a more student-oriented statement of core black letter principles of the corporations material.
Finally, a tengential note: The above posts refer to "KBR." While Bainbridge does a fabulous job of supporting the book with ancillary materials, he is but the third author.
Posted by: Thaddeus Pope | May 11, 2007 11:18:18 AM
I just used K, B & R for the third time. I like it very much, and had a blast teaching with it this year. I didn't enjoy it as much the first time I used it, though. It had come recommended by lots of folks. The cases are very well chosen and edited. There is very little explanatory text, though, which puts a lot of pressure on a new prof. As Steve suggests, the teacher's manual is detailed, but like the book it assumes some knowledge. I had practiced corporate and securities litigation for six years, so I didn't go into the course cold, but there were some times where I would have liked a little more basic info in the teacher's manual. All of that said, I enjoy using it now, and my students like it as well.
Posted by: Ben Barros | May 11, 2007 10:49:26 AM
I happen to have some inside information on that. The TM is being finished today! No, I am not just making that up. It has taken much longer than we expected, but it is finally done. I am just doing the formatting, then sending it off for printing. I will email you, and if anyone else out there is interested, please email me ([email protected]) for a copy. Also, you can check our website (http://www.bizorgs.com/) for other materials.
Posted by: Gordon Smith | May 11, 2007 9:09:25 AM
Does anyone have any thoughts on the Business Organizations book by Gordon Smith and Cynthia Williams? I have been reading through it, and so far I like it a lot. My only complaint so far is that I have not been able to get the teacher's manual -- It was backordered several months ago, and I have not been able to get an updated ship date from the publisher. I would obviously like to see the teacher's manual before deciding to go with the book.
Posted by: Jessica Erickson | May 11, 2007 6:34:46 AM
Just finished my first year teaching business associations and enjoyed using K,B & R (and I'm not even an author)! It was recommended to me by more experienced prawfs as a student-friendly choice. The cases are well-chosen and well-edited.
I assigned that as the textbook as well as the corporations treatise by Frank Gevurtz.
Posted by: Miriam Cherry | May 11, 2007 1:26:26 AM
The obvious choice is Klein, Bainbridge, & Ramseyer. Lean but not mean. Amazingly detailed teachers' manual. Free powerPoint slides for adopters. Bainbridge's lectures' podcast available for download. Sample exams. Web site: www.business-associations.com.
Not that I'm biased or anything.
Posted by: Steve Bainbridge | May 10, 2007 9:08:32 PM
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