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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Free-speech beer

"Ban on Saucy Beer Labels Brings a Free Speech Suit," the New York Times reports

Santa Claus will not be coming to Maine this year, at least not on a beer label, if state officials have their way.

The state’s Bureau of Liquor Enforcement in September rejected three beer labels proposed by Shelton Brothers, a Massachusetts beer importer, including one for “Santa’s Butt Winter Porter” that depicts St. Nick from behind, checking a list and drinking a beer, his ample posterior on a wooden barrel.

The bureau said the labels violated a regulation stating that alcohol advertisements cannot contain “undignified or improper illustrations.”

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Posted by Rick Garnett on December 6, 2006 at 03:52 PM in First Amendment | Permalink


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Speaking of beer and the law, there's also this unfortunate incident:


Posted by: Matt Bodie | Dec 6, 2006 6:08:47 PM

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