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Thursday, December 14, 2006
Big congratulations to Tung Yin (Iowa) and Mark Fenster (Florida), two of our PrawfsBlawg alumni! Their colleagues had the good sense to vote them tenure in the last few days. Woohoo! Tung follows Orin Kerr and Dan Solove down the line of blogging junior prawfs who got tenure. There's obviously not enough data yet, but perhaps the title of his co-authored paper, Blogging While Untenured and other Extreme Sports, will be retired soon...
More good news: today is also the birthday of Ted Frank, the voracious wordsmith who often appears in our comments and is the force majeure behind calamities such as Lagniappe and Overlawyered. Just kidding. Happy Birthday, Ted!
Update with breaking news: Jim Chen has just accepted the Deanship of the Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville. Congrats Jim! This is fantastic news for legal education mavens. Jim will start his duties there in four weeks or so. As Brian Leiter notes, it will be very interesting to see how Brandeis evolves in light of Jim's commitment to the development of MoneyLaw strategy. Here's one piece of advice, Jim: my closest friend from high school now teaches philosophy of law, among other things, in the philosophy department at the U of L. Be sure to synergize with co-opt Avery Kolers!
Posted by Administrators on December 14, 2006 at 09:47 AM in Housekeeping | Permalink
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» December 14 roundup from Overlawyered
Ford wins an Explorer rollover lawsuit brought by family of unseatbelted accident victim, but press coverage is skimpy. [Detroit News] Milberg Weiss's claims for $12 million in fees viewed skeptically, cut in half. [Lattman; WSJ]... [Read More]
Tracked on Dec 14, 2006 3:32:06 PM
» http://tedfrank.com/archives/archive_2006_12_10-2006_12_16.shtml#1166190549 from Lagniappe: an unserious blog
Thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes.
If one believes this life expectancy calculator (and would the ... [Read More]
Tracked on Dec 15, 2006 8:51:42 AM
On Jim Chen (the only person above I know something about: so as not to slight the others): I heartily agree, this is indeed wonderful news, as the academic legal world is quite fortunate to have someone so ethically sensitive and articulate, as well as indefatigable and brilliant, flourishing in its midst.
Posted by: Patrick S. O'Donnell | Dec 14, 2006 11:49:58 AM
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