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Monday, October 16, 2006
Research Canons: Law and Race Relations
Our next subject matter for the research canons project is Law and Race Relations. (See here for a discussion of the research canons project.) Please comment on the books and articles that are essential to a new academic in the field.
Posted by Matt Bodie on October 16, 2006 at 11:01 AM in Research Canons | Permalink
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Crenshaw, Kimberle, Neil Gotanda, Garry Peller and Kendall Thomas, eds. Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed the Movement. (New York: New Press, 1995).
Delgado, Richard and Jean Stefancic. Critical Race Theory: An Introduction. (New York: New York University Press, 2001).
Delgado, Richard and Jean Stefancic, eds. Critical Race Theory: The Cutting Edge. (Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1999).
Wing, Adrien Katherine, ed. Critical Race Feminism: A Reader. (New York: New York University Press, 2nd ed., 2001).
Posted by: Patrick S. O'Donnell | Oct 31, 2006 12:12:54 AM
And how could I forget to mention:
Randy Kennedy, Race, Crime, and the Law
Michael Klarman, From Jim Crow to Civil Rights.
Posted by: Stuart Buck | Oct 20, 2006 10:27:22 PM
As background:
Gerald Rosenberg, The Hollow Hope.
Richard Kluger, Simple Justice.
Eugene Genovese, Roll Jordan Roll: The World the Slaves Made.
Any of several books by Leon Litwack.
Jack Greenberg's book on Brown v. Board of Education.
Posted by: Stuart Buck | Oct 18, 2006 12:16:21 AM
I'm still trying to figure out the objective referent for 'race,' although I know how others have chosen to use the term.
Again, no expertise here, but I would think some place could be made for Orlando Patterson's The Ordeal of Integration: Progress and Resentment in America's "Racial" Crisis. (Washington, DC: Civitas/Counterpoint, 1997).
Speaking more to the contemporary political dimensions inextricably tied up with with the law, I've found the following to be quite illuminating:
Horne, Gerald. Fire This Time: The Watts Uprisings and the 1960s. (New York: De Capo Press, 1997 ed.).
Marable, Manning. Black American Politics: From the Washington Marches to Jesse Jackson. (London: Verso, 1985).
Marable, Manning. Race, Reform, and Rebellion: The Second Reconstruction in Black America, 1945-1990. (Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 1991).
Morris, Aldon D. The Origins of the Civil Rights Movement: Black Communities Organizing for Change. (New York: Free Press, 1984).
Payne, Charles M. I've Got the Light of Freedom: The Organizing Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle. (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1996).
Sonenhshein, Raphael J. Politics in Black and White: Race and Power in Los Angeles. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993).
Wolfenstein, Eugene Victor. The Victims of Democracy: Malcolm X and the Black Revolution. (London: Free Association Books, 1989).
Posted by: Patrick S. O'Donnell | Oct 16, 2006 12:04:39 PM
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