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Monday, October 30, 2006

Continuing the Research Canons Project

We've reached the end of our research canons categories.  Overall we have 42 categories covering the primary areas of research for legal scholars.  The initial post, which now includes links to all of the categories, is here.  The Prawfsblawg index is here

We are extremely grateful to those of you who contributed to this project.  Thus far we have had 220 comments, as well as links from fellow blawgers such as Truth on the Market, the Volokh Conspiracy, Opinio Juris, Environmental Law Prof Blog, PropertyProf Blog, Workplace Prof Blog, Tax Prof Blog, Trial Ad NotesWills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog, Fire of Genius, Patently-O, Unincorporated Business Law Prof BlogCrimProf Blog, Concurring Opinions, Heafey Headnotes, Legal Research and Writing, the Legal Ethics Forum, and the Legal Profession Blog.  (Let me know if I missed you.)  Special thanks to Patrick S. O'Donnell, who has contributed his quite extensive bibliographies on many of the categories for this project.

But this is not the "end" of the canons project.  There are a few categories that have yet to get an entry: Trusts & Estates, Securities Regulation, and Dispute Resolution.  Several other categories just have one entry, and every category could use additional commentary or input.  If you have found this project valuable, perhaps you could take some time to suggest a book or article that has served as a "canon" for your research.

I hope that this project will continue to serve as a resource on into the future.  A weakness of blogs posts is that they seem to have a short shelf-life: once a post is more than a day old, it can be forgotten.  But that need not be the case.  With continued input, the Research Canons project can continue to serve as a place for suggestions, discussion, and debate about the most important works in our various fields of endeavor.

Thanks again for your help.

Posted by Matt Bodie on October 30, 2006 at 11:31 AM in Research Canons | Permalink


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Thank you, Matt, for organizing this worthy (and I trust, lasting,) endeavor.

Posted by: Dan Markel | Oct 30, 2006 4:07:57 PM

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