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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Introducing the "National Security Advisors" Blog

I am extremely pleased to announce the inception and launch of a new blog, "National Security Advisors," starring Bobby Chesney from Wake Forest, Tung Yin from Iowa, and yours truly... The URL is http://www.natseclaw.com.

The timing is a bit ironic, since Bobby and Tung are both currently visiting with us here at Prawfs, but today's introduction of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 (detailed by Bobby both here at Prawfs and in somewhat more detail at "NSA"), Monday's impending five-year anniversary of 9/11, and the extent to which Bobby and I, as Mets fans, have a September that, for once, is free of either drama or regret, all prompted the launch. (Well, okay, maybe not the last one.)

As we explain in our welcome message, "Few areas of law or policy have been as important as national security during the five-year period following 9/11, and none have been as controversial.  We are a group of three relatively-junior law professors who have diverse political perspectives, but who share a commitment to open-minded and even-handed discussion and debate regarding these issues."

Although I'll continue my regular duties here, and will also cross-post here most of the stuff that I publish "over there," I hope that Prawfs readers will trek on over to "NSA" for their national security fix, and, once their stints here are over, to continue to read Bobby's and Tung's excellent work.

Posted by Steve Vladeck on September 7, 2006 at 06:06 AM in Blogging, Current Affairs, Housekeeping, Steve Vladeck | Permalink


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Good luck to you all (my SEALS swimming pool posse) on your new venture. I'm looking forward to a cogent explanation on your new blog about why joining a union, avoiding sexual harassment, and having a fully-funded defined benefit plan are important to the national security of this country.

Of course, a few thoughts on NSA wiretapping and military commissions will be a nice diversion once in a while too. ;>)

Posted by: Paul M. Secunda | Sep 7, 2006 12:20:22 AM

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