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Saturday, September 16, 2006
Good night and good luck...
Thanks to Dan, Steve, Rick, and all the rest of you for allowing me to spend time here at Prawfsblawg. It's been fun, and I hope to do it again at some point down the road!
But before I go...Paul's post prompts me to ask a related question as my swan song: who are the best musicians in the legal academy? Anyone out there who can really bring it? And do these folks tend to be specialists in any particular subject-matter area?
Posted by Bobby Chesney on September 16, 2006 at 06:32 PM | Permalink
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I second Jim's nomination of Fernando. With Fernandno's tango magic in the background, I have danced cheek to cheek with my beloved--a fine time indeed. I cannot yet vouch for Jim's jams with John, but I'm sure that Funky T-town will be hosting "it" soon enough...
Posted by: Dan Markel | Sep 18, 2006 12:15:16 AM
I nominate the following:
Professor Fernando Teson, who has been a guest at Prawfs, plays the bandoneon which is an Argentinian instrument that resembles an accordian. He also leads a band that plays traditional arrangements of Argentinian Tango music and has a dedicated following here in Tallahassee. His music is powerful and passionate and, if you are nimble enough, perfect for a romantic dance. As someone who has covered Uncle Tupelo tunes while playing banjo in a jam band I would say I am qualified to say it is also "cool" and that he is "bringing it."
Professor John Yetter plays the vibes. He occasionally plays around town and he and I are working on some duets (me on guitar not banjo) and hope to play some gigs soon. His ballad playing is particularly insightful and when the mood strikes he can really swing out on up tempo tunes. He really "brings it" when we play In Walked Bud and to my mind anyone who can pull off a Monk tune is "cool."
Prof. Teson specializes in philosophy and international law while Prof. Yetter specializes in evidence and constitutional criminal procedure.
I look forward to reading other nominations. Perhaps Prawfs will sponsor a Battle of the Bands...
Posted by: Jim Green | Sep 17, 2006 11:47:31 AM
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