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Friday, September 08, 2006
Back and bruised
Well, I've taken a blogging hiatus of about a month to recover from having a new baby (I'll spare you all the fabulous pictures). But many things have happened to me in the interim:
1. I moved cross-country (with wife, baby, and dog) to take up a visiting appointment at Brooklyn. My new colleagues have been very welcoming and have eased the transitions associated with the move.
2. An individual in California posing as "Ethan Leib" (with phony ID to match) has been walking into branches of my bank across the state and taking all my money -- despite a fraud alert on my accounts. They even stole thousands from my 6-week old daughter's college fund. How mean! The tellers and "credit fraud analysts" are not doing their jobs so I am poorer and less "Ethan Leib" than ever. Even though many credit agencies and banks have measures in place to prevent identity theft, they all still rely on tellers, banks, and others being properly trained.
3. Most importantly, I managed somehow to finish, place, and post my article, "Friendship & the Law." Download it, read it, and tell me why you disagree. Amazing what you can do when you stop blogging temporarily!
I'm happy to be back on-line and I'm very grateful to everyone else here that has been doing a great job keeping this site active and interesting....
Posted by Ethan Leib on September 8, 2006 at 10:36 AM in Ethan Leib | Permalink
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After two weeks of investigating my claims, I've been reimbursed by the bank. In turn, the bank will also be reimbursed and the cost spread to us all.
Posted by: Ethan Leib | Sep 17, 2006 9:01:52 AM
I don't understand why you say you are poorer. The bank is liable. If they are trying to claim otherwise they are mistaken.
Posted by: Phill H-B | Sep 16, 2006 10:06:54 PM
Hi Ethan,
Sorry that this happened to you. I have some thoughts and questions in Because That's Where the Money Is and the (standard) trackback seems to have failed.
Posted by: Adam | Sep 16, 2006 1:23:29 PM
I am indeed teaching 80 1Ls. I suppose you aren't among them. But do stop by to say hi: my office is at 715M.
Posted by: Ethan Leib | Sep 12, 2006 12:20:57 PM
Welcome to BLS, Prof. Leib and congrats on your new baby! I'm a 1L at Brooklyn and am pleasantly surprised to see that one of the writers of my favorite blog is visiting my school. You're not teaching 1Ls, are you?
Posted by: BLS 1L | Sep 12, 2006 3:00:00 AM
I was the victim of identity theft about two years ago. Thanks to an atypically alert salesperson at a jewelry store, the guy was arrested, after running up $40,000 or so in fraudulently-obtained credit card debt. Why is it that clerks in, e.g., a Circuit City in Atlanta aren't suspicious when a guy with a fake license plate that says he lives in Toledo comes into an Atlanta store, opens a new C.C. credit card account, and maxes it out? I mean, there are Circuit Cities in Toledo ...
Anyway, it was a pain to sort it all out. In the end, I wasn't out any money or property, and I obviously wasn't physically hurt, so in the big annals of crime victims, it doesn't rate. Still, I found it a lot more disturbing than the couple of times I've been a victim of crimes in which I actually had losses (car break-in, pocket picked). I still don't know how the guy chose me or got my SS # ... So I feel for you.
Posted by: Joseph Slater | Sep 9, 2006 11:02:13 AM
Wow, sounds like you had quite the stressful summer! Hope things calm down soon. Looking forward to reading your draft, Miriam
Posted by: Miriam Cherry | Sep 8, 2006 6:48:09 PM
Welcome to Brooklyn, Ethan. Look forward to reading the paper!
Posted by: Rachel Godsil | Sep 8, 2006 5:17:20 PM
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