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Friday, June 16, 2006

Short People

I'm a short person.  It has never gotten me a break in any area of my life.  My law school adviser used to joke that he was trying to get law schools to hire me based on affirmative action for short people. 

Now comes a tale from Cheyenne County, Nebraska of a child molester who is getting probation because the sentencing judge thought he was too short for prison.  Now that's a break!

Hat tip:  Ruchira Paul

Posted by Ethan Leib on June 16, 2006 at 01:07 AM in Criminal Law | Permalink


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dear sir/ma
my name is{ JONE EDEE }have been in united kindom for lon time now,as a short i have been under someone that is very good to me feed me,cloth me but is dead.i just need a good of little some thing from ur assocition.so i can get myself something good doing here.

pls u can send me something god from ur heart.god bless u.

best regard

Posted by: jone edee | Apr 17, 2007 11:54:37 PM

Ethan -- And to think: I like to say that UM hired me to _increase_ the average height of the faculty... Maybe they're going in the wrong direction! :-)

Posted by: Steve Vladeck | Jun 16, 2006 7:38:27 PM

Bill O'Reilly has been having a field day with this. See, occasionally Fox News can be useful!

Posted by: profanon | Jun 16, 2006 11:59:15 AM

A lot of this story is just the lay media repeating a press release. Apparantly the prosecutor didn't ask for jail time, anyway.

Posted by: S.cotus | Jun 16, 2006 4:59:50 AM

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