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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Equal Protection for the X-Men!

With a hat tip to fellow Amherst alum Laurel Kilgour for the pointer, I came across this analysis of equal protection and mutants, a-la-X-Men, by Ivan Ludmer, a law student at the other, other "UM" -- the University of Minnesota.

I only have two things to say in response:

  1. I really need to go see The Last Stand.
  2. It's too bad Ivan didn't write that as his Con Law exam.

Posted by Steve Vladeck on June 8, 2006 at 05:42 PM in Film, Steve Vladeck | Permalink


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» Is Anti-Mutant Bias Invidious Discrimination? from The Volokh Conspiracy
Law student blogger Ivan Ludmer considers equal protection for mutants. Whatever the proper legal answer, I am sure equal protection a... [Read More]

Tracked on Jun 9, 2006 7:49:19 AM


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