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Thursday, March 02, 2006
So maybe there really is something to this "weblog" phenomenon I've been hearing so much about from my "cyberlaw" "friends." (Funny how there's this gravitational pull towards making a blog entry snarky, something I don't feel nearly as strongly in email and not at all when drafting a telegram.) I just might have to start my own blog.
In the meantime -- a hearty thanks to Dan for inviting me to be a guest. I'm about to set off on several weeks of travel -- Boston (Berkman Center), Washington (to keynote a privacy conference), New York (performing justice of the peace duties), Mexico City (ilaw), Los Angeles (chief security officers), then back to Oxford (kebab vans). Perhaps I'll cross paths with some now-fellow members of the Blogosphere, or as I like to think of it, the Blocean.
Posted by jz on March 2, 2006 at 04:18 PM in Teaching Law | Permalink
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