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Sunday, March 12, 2006

I went to the chapel...

As Paul reported a couple weeks ago, I recently got married.  Dsc00460 Dsc00457 Here are a couple of the choice pics of the Osita in her unfailing loveliness.  If I can dig one up, I'll try to post one later with Ethan and me, doing the Kossotzky or some variation.  The wedding was in S. Florida, and two days later we took off to Club Med in San Salvador (Columbus Isle), which is an island in the Bahamas.  Notwithstanding a couple glitches (the first night, they gave us a room with two beds!), I have to say that at least this Club Med was an awesome place for a honeymoon.  It's adult sports camp with tons of delicious food and fun Canadians as GO's (camp counselors).  What could be better?  One of the best features of Club Med is its all-inclusive nature; one can go a whole week or more without having to engage in the frustrations of daily commerce, and because everyone else is on vacation around you, it just makes for a great environment to recharge the batteries.  Never having been to a Club Med or the Caribbean before, I highly recommend them both for canoodling and other joyful purposes.

Posted by Administrators on March 12, 2006 at 11:09 AM in Dan Markel | Permalink


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Congrats! And thanks for the vacation tip!

Posted by: Frank | Mar 15, 2006 1:20:43 PM

You both look great - I like the matching crowns! - and of course MTs are in order.

Posted by: Dave Hoffman | Mar 14, 2006 12:20:14 AM

Another Mazal Tov here. Osita is truly beautiful. On behalf of single women nationwide, I thank you for taking her off the market. Not that I am single or anything, but I always stand up for the underdog.

Posted by: Kate Litvak | Mar 13, 2006 4:27:57 PM

Dan, your post brings back great memories . . . Nicole and I spent our honeymoon at that same Club Med, 11 years ago. I still think salt-water coffee tastes weird. Congrats!

Posted by: Rick Garnett | Mar 13, 2006 11:44:54 AM

I'll add a Mubarak to Orly's Mazal Tov.

Posted by: Adil Haque | Mar 12, 2006 2:17:38 PM

Mazal Tov again Dan - the pix are beautiful, and the honeymoon sounds terrific. Growing up, and having been a Club Med GM (gentille member = guest) many times, my life dream was to become a GO (Gentille Organizer) - i settled in the end for GP (Gentille Professeur). Hugs and neshikot to you both, Orly

Posted by: Orly Lobel | Mar 12, 2006 1:23:16 PM

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