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Thursday, February 02, 2006
What about the soldiers?
There's been a lot of coverage of ABC News anchor Bob Woodruff's injuries and medical care. We get regular updates about where he is being treated, by whom, for what, and even who is paying for it. That's all well and good, but what about the thousands of troops who have been injured since the start of the war? I imagine at least some of them are a little irked. What makes Woodruff's the stuff of major news stories, but the average grunt's not even fit for the back page?
I think the answer is twofold. First, those Americans who watch ABC news have a relationship with Woodruff; they feel like they know him. More importantly, the people who write the news stories know Woodruff and/or lead lives just like his. This story touches them.
Posted by Hillel Levin on February 2, 2006 at 04:12 AM in Hillel Levin | Permalink
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They read the large print--AND the fine print. The soldiers fighting for our country are proud to do it with no questions asked. It's their right and privelege to help. And all this for shmucks like us who sit on our ASSES all day contemplating the "why's" and "wherefore's" of being in Iraq and criticizing the most difficult postion in the world--that of the President of the US.
My brothers are both marines. I am very proud to have them risking their lives fighting for mine and others. And they are happy to do it.
All of you need to get over yourselves and support our country and President instead of whining and complaining because it's "not how you would do it".
As for the reporters--well too bad if they do get hurt or killed. I'm sure they are nice enough in person, but hey, they were dumb enough to go over in a war zone to (mis)represent the war to the populace of the U.S.. So tell me now who forgot to read the large print. It sounds to me like the (so called) reporters did.
Posted by: Jennifer | Feb 7, 2006 4:28:44 PM
It also has to do with the law of probability. Soldiers are expected to die and suffer injuries on the frontline - journalists are not. As for the "average grunt's" fate, the Pentagon doesn't think it should make the news. After all, when they enlisted, didn't they read the "large print"? In fact, George Bush can even find humor in the war injuries of our soldiers.
Posted by: Ruchira Paul | Feb 2, 2006 11:15:56 AM
Dan, I don't watch regular TV news, but NPR runs at least weekly stories about injured and killed soldiers from the war in Iraq. They're usually quite lengthy (10 minutes), and NPR hasn't been cut off the air yet.
So, do us a favor, and stop trolling.
Posted by: billbl | Feb 2, 2006 8:50:19 AM
If any of the mainstream media were to try and air stories on actual soldiers wounded or killed over in Iraq, the Bush regime would have the FCC yank their license, or otherwise harrass them to the point where continuing such coverage would be unfeasible.
Posted by: Dan | Feb 2, 2006 7:36:24 AM
I have absolutely no idea who Bob Woodruff is. I do have a bunch of friends risking their lives to serve our country. I'm guessing this Woodruff gets paid a million or so dollars a year. Most of my friends live around the poverty level. Yeah, it irks me. But not a single one of them begrudges a person who survives over there.
Posted by: Mel Gibson | Feb 2, 2006 5:36:09 AM
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