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Monday, January 02, 2006
Happy New Year!
Happy new year! With all the hullaballoo over A3G's return to the blogosphere, I've been neglectful of what's going on here in our own pages.
I'm very pleased to announce that Steve Vladeck, who has been lurking here as a guest the last six weeks or so, will be joining Prawfsblawg as a permaprawf. Steve adds an extra dose of expertise on national security law and civil liberties here, and we've been lucky to have him around as the Snoopgate scandal broke. You might get a chance to meet him at Cloud on Wednesday night at 930pm in Dupont Circle, DC, if we can tear him away from some football game apparently going on then...
I'd also like to take this moment to thank Will Baude for his stellar guest stint with us this past month. Will returns full-time to www.crescatsententia.org but I hope we'll have him visit with us again at Prawfs in the next six months or so, perhaps after his spring exams.
We have some great people joining us or returning to us in the next few months: first, we have a return visit from Brooks Holland (law, Gonzaga) and a first-time stint from pre-prawf Adil Haque. Adil is clerking for Judge Newman on the 2d Circuit and is a recent Yale Law grad who has already written extensively on many subjects close to my heart. Later this month, we have Julian Ku (from Opinio Juris and Hofstra) and Tung Yin (Yin Blog and Iowa) joining us, and in February, Ed Lee (Law, Ohio State) and Linda Beale (Law, Illinois) will be visiting here.
Some of the regulars might be still groggy from vacation or in DC for the AALSfest, but there should still be some fresh content to enjoy this week; I suspect we'll all be in full swing next week.
Posted by Administrators on January 2, 2006 at 10:39 AM in Housekeeping | Permalink
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