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Monday, December 05, 2005

Monday Open Thread

Please illuminate the day with wisdom, laughter, and/or kindness.

Posted by Administrators on December 5, 2005 at 12:27 AM in Blogging | Permalink


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In today's "Overboard" cartoon, the three-panel strip has two panels of a pair of pirates ready for a battle, with a sword in one hand and a cell phone in the other. The final panel has an observer say: "Boy, when everybody's ready to picture-phone their lawyer with who hits who first, the fight tends not to start, doesn't it?"

With picture phones becoming commonplace, how could an entrepreneur create a useful service for the owners? A person could dial a 900 number and send in a picture or video file to the answering site. A data server is at the other end and stamps the data with a date/time and sending phone number stamp, charging some amount for the storage.

What attributes would make the service the most useful? How long would the data be stored before being deleted? Should there be a password attached? How much access should there be for the sender? Could he delete the date or just access it?

How much evidentiary power would there be on picture data taken, sent and stored at or about the time of the event or tort that is stored on a server where the sender cannot change the data once sent? Would crime go down if a person can take a quick picture of the mugger and send it off to a site sure to accept and secure the data?

Heck, how long before we are wearing glasses that Bluetooth a video stream to a phone that sends it to the secure storage facility constantly. We could do it today at a relatively low cost. How many would sign up for the service?

Posted by: mark | Dec 5, 2005 12:47:12 PM

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