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Monday, October 24, 2005
Today's Miers News
A quick note on today's Miers news. Many bloggers, true to exuberant form, have speculated about exit strategies for the Meirs nomination, often quickly descending into broad assumptions and quasi-conspiracy theories about the White House's quiet cooperation in killing the nomination. I tend to assume that the President is loyal to his nominee and won't quietly tank her nomination. But I will note that a bipartisan request for documents relating to Miers' work in the White House, followed by an adamant refusal to provide those documents, does provide the basis for a nice, procedurally rather than substantively based no vote or regretful withdrawal of the nomination.
Posted by Paul Horwitz on October 24, 2005 at 09:27 PM in Law and Politics | Permalink
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Let us not forget that the White House was adamant about not handing over John Roberts documents. I might be comparing apples and oranges, but I think part of the problem with this nomination is that it comes so closely on the heels of the Roberts nomination. It is like a shadow that is following this whole process. Miers just appears to come up short in so many qualities and the administration, despite what appears to be an unraveling facade, continues to try to hold up its position of authority. I think if anything shows that the Administration is displaying a NO vote for Miers it is that they are not coming forward with a bold statement of support, or maybe we just don't believe bold statements from them anymore.
Posted by: Hil Kaman | Oct 25, 2005 7:56:01 PM
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