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Monday, October 03, 2005

The coolest nominee ever

Harriet Miers has to be the coolest nominee ever. After all, which other Supreme Court nominee has her own blog? (Hat tip: Conglomerate.)

Posted by Kaimi Wenger on October 3, 2005 at 02:44 PM in Odd World | Permalink


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its a poor attempt at trolling. next they can post up some really original o rly bird pictures.

Posted by: Robyn Goodfellow | Oct 3, 2005 11:12:25 PM

The way I see it, she has several other interesting things going for her.

1. Mathematics major
2. Did not attend an elite school
3. Southern woman born in the 1940's, but never married
4. The right wingers seem to hate her

The most glaring negative so far: Calls G.W. Bush the most brilliant man she has known. But who knows, this may actually be the proof of a wicked sense of humor.

Posted by: Ruchira Paul | Oct 3, 2005 4:27:11 PM

The "A's hire A's" bit was pretty good, I thought.

Posted by: Joseph Slater | Oct 3, 2005 3:40:07 PM

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