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Monday, October 24, 2005

New Personal Milestones in Teaching

One of my proudest possessions is a personalized autograph from Andy Hallett, who played "The Host" on the beloved, now-departed television show Angel.  It was obtained for me by one of my students at the University of San Diego's law school, where I was a visitor, and is inscribed, "Loved your Temple Law Review article about free speech!"  Needless to say, the student who got this for me was a personal favorite.

Now I come to discover that one of my current students appeared in a brief but crucial role on an episode of Angel!  These are the moments that truly make me proud to be a teacher as well as a scholar.  I don't think it could get any better -- unless I one day find myself prepping Alyson Hannigan for the bar exam.   

Posted by Paul Horwitz on October 24, 2005 at 05:24 PM in Teaching Law | Permalink


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You look hot! Definitely bucking for a chili pepper. But I can't believe I had to read about this important development on a blog.

Posted by: Mrs. H | Oct 25, 2005 3:59:03 PM

We recently souped up our school's home page. My faculty site should now be:


Thanks for visiting. You won't regret it -- I look fab in the picture.

Posted by: Paul Horwitz | Oct 24, 2005 7:22:57 PM

I clicked on Paul Horwitz' home page but get a message saying the page has been moved or name has changed. Any feedback on this page?

Posted by: Rathin Neogy | Oct 24, 2005 7:19:55 PM

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