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Monday, October 03, 2005

Junk Faxes, the New York Times, and Repentance

For the second week in a row, PrawfsBlawg was quoted in the NYT in the Saturday paper, specifically Dan Mitchell's "What's Online" column, available here.  This time, our name was spelled right, and the reference in the paper was to a blog comment left, I believe, by Bruce Boyden, a visiting prawf at Washington and Lee, if my google skills are working correctly.  (Zaring, is this right?)  The original post was by Dan Solove, available here.

If nothing else, I hope this mention in the NYT will inspire readers of the blog to start and/or continue leaving smart (but kind) comments here.  We are keen to build a community of menschy readers here; if you see a comment that doesn't speak in terms your grandmother would be proud to hear, please let me know.  This seems especially apt now, since, over the next few days, a few of us will be blogging less frequently as the Jewish holy days unfold.  In this season of repentance, let me ask for your forgiveness for my (blogging) sins (both commission and omission).  As for programming notes, we hope to have a continued presence of guests, including Matt Bodie from Hofstra who will be joining us.  May it be a sweet new year for all our contributors, alumni, readers and, assuredly, for everyone else too.

Posted by Administrators on October 3, 2005 at 02:29 AM in Blogging | Permalink


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Late to the party, but I agree with everything you people said.

Posted by: David Zaring | Oct 3, 2005 7:51:29 PM

I had been keeping a semi-low profile in case I said anything stupid; having my last name available only in the e-mail address makes me less searchable. But I suppose the Google's out of the bag now...

Posted by: Bruce | Oct 3, 2005 3:06:57 PM

Thanks Bruce. Oddly, the NYT reporter asked if I could confirm your identity. This is an instructive point also to our commenters: the more identifiable to us that you are, the more we can serve as a stepping stone to the fancy media for you...

Posted by: Dan Markel | Oct 3, 2005 9:56:13 AM

Your Googling skills got you close -- I'm currently visiting at Michigan State University College of Law. I'll be joining Dave at Washington & Lee as a visitor next semester.

Posted by: Bruce | Oct 3, 2005 9:47:43 AM

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