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Tuesday, September 06, 2005


On a different note: May I, who thought that, by sheer dint of effort, I had fully absorbed the workings of the TV schedule, now confess that I missed something last year.  While I was struggling along with Gilmore Girls and ranting about the quality of Lost, I missed House, M.D., the Fox show about a troubled doctor played superbly by Hugh Laurie.  I've caught up via DVD and must say I think it's one of the strongest-written and -acted shows of recent vintage.  Last week's rerun episode "Three Stories" was particularly great.  Mea culpa -- I try to stay on top of pop culture, but sometimes you miss one. 

Posted by Paul Horwitz on September 6, 2005 at 08:37 PM in Culture | Permalink


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I love Hugh Laurie's comedy, so I was rooting for this show to succeed, but I watched a couple of episodes and was not entertained. I just can't get past all the risks they take with patients' lives on the show, all without keeping them even minimally informed. I mean, I know he's supposed to be cranky, but there's a difference between cranky and unethical, and I think the character falls in the latter camp, which ruins it for me. (And it's not obviously a show about the ethically challenged, like e.g. "The Shield" or "The Sopranos".)

Posted by: Bruce | Sep 7, 2005 1:06:57 PM

You misunderstand me, although I should have said "raving" rather than "ranting." I watch Lost and like it. Would have said, "love it." But I think House is the better show.

Posted by: Paul Horwitz | Sep 7, 2005 12:13:05 AM

If you aren't watching Lost, you're missing out.

Posted by: Jeff V. | Sep 6, 2005 10:20:49 PM

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