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Thursday, September 29, 2005


If they followed our lead, that's what they'd call it....

Comes now the news that the University of Chicago Law School faculty will, as of Monday, be launching their own blog.  Doug, Lior -- we give you the training and you don't even invite us to join the faculty as tenured professors?  That's gratitude for you!  You could at least send us some maroon-colored coffee mugs or gift shares in the Seminary Co-Op!

Seriously, this will be a blog to watch.  Chicago has a ridiculously superb and prolific faculty full of interesting ideas.  Here's hoping the Pos will divert at least some of us writing from his own blog to this new site, although even if he doesn't there'll still be an embarrassment of riches to choose from. 

One piece of advice: when your interest in (to quote the blog's introductory post) "nascent ideas" and "open, often lively conversation" does not win you a "wider audience," remember these words: "Rory Gilmore sex boat."  I, for one, would like to hear more from Posner on the oeuvre of Meg Ryan and the merits of "That Darn Cat." Or Tracey Meares could write about how shaming sanctions would provide a perverse incentive in criminal cases involving Li'l Kim...or Randy Picker could write a computer program to model the rise in social norms favoring hour-long sci-fi/horror shows on TV...or Adrian Vermeule could write about voting rules and faculty meetings, and demonstrate that the optimal rule involves stripping the faculty of their votes altogether....the possibilities for productive Chi-style writing on the topics that really engage the blogosphere are endless!  Welcome and best of luck to all.

Posted by Paul Horwitz on September 29, 2005 at 11:44 AM in Blogging | Permalink


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Now that Rory's going back to Yale, maybe they'll name one of the rowing boats "Google: Rory Gilmore's Sex Boat" Or perhaps she'll attend a cyber-space law school such as Abraham Lincoln Law School. She's acquired enough credits, we think! Then your blogs will be even more widely read!

Posted by: wiz | Dec 13, 2005 11:31:45 PM

By the way, "ChicagoBlawgo" in most Slavic languages means "the goodness/blessing of Chicago"

Posted by: Kate Litvak | Sep 29, 2005 9:21:20 PM

ChicagoBlawgo. Heh, that's funny.

Posted by: Orin Kerr | Sep 29, 2005 4:34:07 PM

Rory Gilmore sex boat indeed. Maybe that would be a good name for the blog even? I will say that we toyed with many options -- "Blog Table", "ChicagoBlawg", "ChicagoBlawgo", and so on -- but ultimately stuck with the safe and boring "University of Chicago Law School Faculty Blog." Maybe we'll get more daring once we are up and running for a while ... or maybe those Gilmore women will offer up a shorter name and win us over. After all, now that Rory has dropped out of Yale, isn't her next most likely uber-intellectual home the UofC?

Posted by: Doug Lichtman | Sep 29, 2005 4:19:40 PM

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