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Thursday, September 01, 2005

Blogs for New Orleans law schools

I was planning this morning to do a farewell post to conclude my guest blogging here, but it seems far more important to use this space to spread the word about UNC Prof. Eric Muller's establishment of blog sites for the Loyola (New Orleans) Law School (at this link) and Tulane Law School (at this link).  As Eric (of Is That Legal? fame) explained in an e-mail I received:

I have set up blogs for the Loyola-New Orleans and Tulane Law School communities to use over the coming days and (if necessary) weeks and months. The idea is to give the communities a message board -- a place to post information of common interest that community members can access (as they are able).

Posted by Douglas A. Berman on September 1, 2005 at 10:37 AM in Life of Law Schools | Permalink


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FYI, Emory Law School is hosting a web site for Tulane: http://www.law.emory.edu/cms/site/index.php?id=tulane

Posted by: sara | Sep 1, 2005 9:05:21 PM

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