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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Relief for Katrina Flood Victims

As reader Stephen Aslett reminds us, now is a good time to consider donating to the hurricane relief operation undertaken by the  Red Cross.  For those who are from New Orleans or concerned for the residents  and looking for current information, this discussion board appears to be quite useful.

Posted by Dave Hoffman on August 30, 2005 at 03:12 PM | Permalink


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Thanks for the link; we all appreciate the help.

Your best sources of information are the following two local news blogs:

WWL's Katrina blog:


Times-Picayune Katrina blog:


Things aren't looking so good right now. The water is rising, hundreds of people are estimated to be trapped in their homes, looters are trying to break into Children's Hospital, and there are reports of intermittent fires and gun battles.

Posted by: Stephen Aslett | Aug 31, 2005 2:18:51 AM

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