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Friday, July 01, 2005


Just a word of thanks to Trevor Morrison and David Hoffman who have been guest blogging with us for the last few weeks.  I hope we'll see you guys back soon, and that, David, in your case, your home won't have been the object of some Kelo-inspired revenge fantasy.

Also, I'm very happy to announce that Dan Solove and Paul Horwitz will be joining us indefinitely in the future, starting next week after the holiday.  Paul, as you recall, teaches at Southwestern's law school in LA, and Dan teaches at GW in DC.  Dan has, as Ethan announced the other day, been blogging over at Balkinization recently and he will continue to blog there as well in the future.  We're glad we can share him with Jack.

Additionally, Orin Kerr will be with us for a week (at least) starting after the holiday (probably Wednesday).  Who says we're not ecumenical??

Enjoy the 4th!

Posted by Administrators on July 1, 2005 at 09:44 AM in Housekeeping | Permalink


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