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Friday, July 15, 2005

The Art of Rhetoric

The Vioxx trial begins, in a courtroom in Texas.  Here's a snippet from today's NY Times:


He [defense counsel David Kiernan] finished by listing several top Merck scientists who had taken Vioxx, including Dr. Edward M. Scolnick, its former chief of research, and Dr. Nancy Santanello, head of epidemiology.

At the conclusion of Mr. Kiernan's argument, Mr. Lanier [plaintiff's attorney Mark Lanier] jumped to his feet and asked to be allowed to question Dr. Santanello, who was present in the courtroom, before Judge Hardin dismissed the jury for the day.

"All she's got to do is tell the truth - that doesn't take a lot of practice," Mr. Lanier said loudly, to laughter from the courtroom. Judge Hardin denied his request. The trial resumes Monday.


Nice.  One more reason I'll never be a truly great trial lawyer.  Would have been nice, though, if the judge had asked Mr. Lanier how long he's been practicing for this trial.


Posted by Paul Horwitz on July 15, 2005 at 11:24 AM in Law and Politics | Permalink


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