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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Law Professor Blogger Census (Version 2.0)
UPDATED! On Monday, June 13, I posted the beta version of our attempt to take a census of current law professors who are blogging about legal issues and/or the life of law professors. Kaimi Wenger, Ethan Leib, and Dan Markel of PrawfsBlawg as well as Orin Kerr at VC all assisted me in this endeavor. Many readers posted comments and emailed with bloggers we missed, and we are very grateful for the assistance. When I decided to undertake this project, I thought that there would be around 30 or so law professor bloggers. Had I known the number would be over 100, the task would have struck me as too daunting to begin!
This is version 2.0 of the census, which incorporates the assistance of our readers. The statistics have been updated.
There are a few blogs by law professors that I haven’t added to the census, as these are blogs solely about personal hobbies or experiences without connections to the law or the life of law professors. I discussed my decision not to include these blogs here. After posting the beta version of the census, I learned from Ann Althouse that there are three other blogs I didn’t list from Wisconsin law professors. I located two of them, both of which had posts that they preferred not to be included in the census. I will respect their wishes. Professor Stephen Bainbridge has a blog about wine, but I am not listing it because it has no legal themes at all. But it’s a neat blog nonetheless! Anyway, there is no strong litmus test for inclusion, just at a minimum some posts about issues relating to law, academics, politics, or the life of law professors, law students, or lawyers.
We hope that this census will prove useful for discussing who is blogging, the “blogospherics” (demographics) of the bloggers, and the law schools that have heavy blogging populations. We note that there are many very interesting blawgs by lawyers and law students, but we have restricted this list to law professors. Additionally, blogs without activity over the past month were not included.
We might update this census from time to time, so please email me about your blog if you were left out of this list or if you know of others we overlooked. And, of course, please email me if you start a new blog.
A few statistics:
· There are quite a lot of law professor bloggers – 130 in all.
· The schools with the largest amount of bloggers include San Diego (7), UCLA (5), George Mason (5), Cincinnati (4), Ohio State (4), GW (3), Georgetown (3), Stanford (3), St. Thomas (3), Chapman (3), Villanova (3).
· Of the bloggers, 28 are female and 102 are male.
Law School
Blawgger Blawg Arizona Ave Maria Boston University Capital Cardozo Cardozo Case Western Case Western Chapman Agoraphilia and Chapman Chapman Chicago Cincinnati Cincinnati Cincinnati Cincinnati Columbia Cornell Cornell Cumberland Southern Appeal and U.C. Davis Duke Emory Fordham Florida A&M Florida State Georgia Georgia State George Mason George Mason George Mason George Mason George Mason GW GW GW Georgetown SCOTUSblog and Georgetown Georgetown Harvard Harvard Hastings Hofstra Hofstra Illinois Illinois Indiana-Indianapolis Iowa Lewis & Clark Liberty Louisiana State Loyola LA Marquette Marquette Maryland Mercer Miami Michigan Michigan Minnesota Missouri New England N.Y. Law Sch. UNC Northwestern Northwestern Notre Dame Notre Dame Ohio State Ohio State Ohio State Ohio State Oklahoma Pepperdine Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Regent Roger Williams Rutgers Camden Rutgers Newark San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego St. John’s St. John’s St. Thomas St. Thomas St. Thomas South Carolina SMU South Texas South Texas Southwestern Stanford Stanford Stanford SUNY Buffalo Temple Temple Tennessee Instapundit and Texas Texas Texas Tech. Texas Weslyan Thomas Jefferson Toledo Touro Touro UCLA UCLA UCLA UCLA UCLA Vermont Villanova Villanova Villanova Wake Forest Washington U. Wayne State Willamette William Mitchell Wisconsin Wisconsin Yale Yale
Posted by Daniel Solove on June 16, 2005 at 03:01 AM in Blogging, Daniel Solove, Life of Law Schools | Permalink
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» Law professor blogs from PointOfLaw Forum
Daniel Solove at PrawfsBlog posts a large, though incomplete, census of them. P.S. Much more complete now, thanks!... [Read More]
Tracked on Jun 16, 2005 10:08:04 AM
» Law Prof Blog List from ProfessorBainbridge.com
An updated list of law professor blawgs is available over at PrawfsBlawg. Because I don't allow comments, I feel vaguely guilty using other folk's comment feature, but I had just had to quibble with their omission of my wine blog! [Read More]
Tracked on Jun 16, 2005 2:32:15 PM
» Blogging LawProf Census Update: from The Volokh Conspiracy
Daniel Solove has updated his list of blogging law professors; the latest list includes 130 people. Does anyone want to make a guess about how many law professors wi... [Read More]
Tracked on Jun 17, 2005 1:17:33 AM
» Census of Law Professor Blawgs from Blawg Blog
Census of Law Professor Blawgs [Read More]
Tracked on Oct 26, 2006 4:27:29 PM
Missing: Cardozo - Patry - http://williampatry.blogspot.com/
Posted by: Kevin Heller | Jul 7, 2005 12:51:16 PM
Thanks. The last post to Richard Friedman's blog was April 4. Over two and a half months have gone by without a post, and my rule is that I'm not listing blogs without activity within the past month. Thus, I will wait until Richard Friedman posts something new to the blog before listing it.
Posted by: Daniel Solove | Jun 19, 2005 4:42:18 PM
You should add to the census Michigan professor Richard Friedman's blog about the Confrontation Clause: http://confrontationright.blogspot.com/
He last posted in April, but I don't think that makes it moribund--he's likely just occupied with normal law-prof end-of-school-year nonsense.
Posted by: Brian Hagerty | Jun 19, 2005 3:42:49 PM
Anonymous Sconnie,
I was aware of both blogs you mention from Wisconsin. Both had posts indicating that they did not want to be listed in the census, and therefore, I will not list them.
Posted by: Daniel Solove | Jun 17, 2005 10:42:15 PM
You can find law prof blogs at www.LawProfBlogs.com.
Posted by: Prof. Carlton | Jun 17, 2005 10:23:24 PM
Oh, and The Other Side of the Ocean, too -- also from Wisconsin (Nina Camic).
Posted by: Anonymous Sconnie | Jun 17, 2005 8:03:46 PM
You're still missing The Tonya Show, from Wisconsin.
Posted by: Anonymous Sconnie | Jun 17, 2005 8:01:13 PM
The typo in your name has been fixed. I'm still, for now, keeping your wine blog off the list -- but you do get a link in this post, so all isn't lost!
Posted by: Daniel Solove | Jun 16, 2005 7:45:39 PM
I think someone should start a blog entirely on wonderful wines that everyone with actual taste hates, like Stone's Ginger Wine! :-)
Posted by: Paul Gowder | Jun 16, 2005 2:33:49 PM
I just noticed your explanation for excluding the wine blog, which is fine, but I did want to point out that the wine blog does touch on the legal regulation of wine occasionally. E.g., Supreme Court strikes down discriminatory bans on interstate wine shipment and Will Maryland Repeal Its Ban on Direct-to-Consumer Wine Sales?
Posted by: Steve Bainbridge | Jun 16, 2005 2:27:58 PM
Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I can't resist the urge to point out that you misspelled my last name and omitted my second blog Professor Bainbridge on Wine. Thanks!
Posted by: Steve Bainbridge | Jun 16, 2005 2:24:29 PM
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