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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Practice and Theory
Some thoughts on my last week of practicing in a large NYC law firm before becoming a full-time academic.
I didn't want to practice law. For that matter, I didn't really want to clerk either. With clerking, it was a means to an end: even though I was getting a Ph.D., a clerkship is more or less a prerequisite for an academic job. I only wound up practicing because my first year on the job market was unsuccessful. Still, these two years being a real part of the practice of law were truly invaluable for my understanding of the social practice that I am used to studying from the distance of an academic. As someone mostly interested in theory, I rarely found myself very close to the law even while writing about it. These years have been extremely educational and I am certain my scholarship and my teaching will be enriched by them.
Just what have I learned? That legal realism is at least partially true; that the law is at least partially autonomous; that the judiciary has severe institutional limitations; that clerks have a lot of power and those who teach them can have immediate impact; that politics is only relevant in the marginal cases in the lower courts; that being an advocate can be redemptive; that ethical questions pervade the profession; that practicing can be as intellectual and rigorous as any theoretical enterprise; that serving clients can make one feel extremely useful and selfless; that representing the poor or thinking through the cases of the dispossessed is an ennobling experience; that hierarchy and commitment to it is very damaging to legal institutions. These aren't huge insights, of course. But practicing helps one internalize these lessons in a manner more convincing than any article can possibly be.
Posted by Ethan Leib on May 31, 2005 at 10:33 AM in Life of Law Schools | Permalink
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» Lessons from Legal Practice from Discourse.net
Ethan Leib, who is about start teaching at UC Hastings College of the Law, writes about what he learned from two years of legal practice: Just what have I learned? That legal realism is at least partially true; that the law is at least partially autono... [Read More]
Tracked on Jun 1, 2005 8:58:38 AM
Having been one, to more than one judge, a clerk's power is directly related to the laziness of the judge. Private practice, particularly in a large firm, is a morass of billable hours and egos. While academia is attractive, I've found that the most satisfying job is as in-house counsel, for a company that truly wants to be ethical. In private practice, I looked for ways to avoid the law. In house, I look for ways to comply. And none of it has to do with SarBox.
Posted by: savich | Jun 2, 2005 7:19:36 PM
Here you are waxing poetic about practice. No one is *forcing* you to teach, you know. ;-)
Posted by: anonymous | May 31, 2005 10:52:56 AM
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