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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Interesting Blog on Anonymity Issues in Cyberspace

Allow me to provide a link to and commendation of blog*on*nymity, a blog linked to a larger Web page run by On the Identity Trail, a multi-person, multidisciplinary project that aims to examine "the multiplicity of issues, concerns and innovations surrounding online anonymity, identification and authentication."  This is a little outside my usual field, but its coordinator, Ian Kerr, is both a friend and (notwithstanding his friendship with me) a very sharp guy who's been toiling in these areas for a decade.  Lots of interesting things, both on the blog and on the rest of the site.  I note that project members will be taking prominent speaking roles at the 15th Annual Conference on Computers, Freedom & Privacy, at which my fellow guest-blogger Daniel Solove will be a keynote speaker.

Signed, anonymous Paul Horwitz

Posted by Paul Horwitz on May 25, 2005 at 01:50 PM in Information and Technology | Permalink


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